10:00 AM SATURDAY JUNE 4, 2022
From US68 at Maysville, Ky follow Clarks Run Rd to 4122 Fields Lane. Watch for auction signs.
12 Tractors, Farm Equipment
Case IH685 AC-CA W/cult, 444 INT w/Freeman loader parts, Allis CA, Allis 185, Deutz 100-06, Allis D-14, 574 INT, Allis D15, Allis CA, INT 424, 4 bottom Ferg plow, 2 basket hay tedder, M&W round baler 4590, silage wagon ID gear, 7′ cultipacker, 12′ harrigator, MW baler 5506, 12′ INT disk,, 2 silage wagons, gravity wagon JD gear, PTO power generator, Bison 16′ livestock trailer, Dunham Lear quick attach loader, NI running gear, 8 bale hay trailer, 258 NH hay rake, 10′ Oliver disk, LT 15 wood mizer band saw, pallet forks, NH 1409 discbine, JD 4 row corn planter, 18′ flat trailer, cattle shute, creep feeder, NH BR740A round baler, dump trailer.
Shop Tools
table saw, chainsaw, chop saw, chains, power washer, AC WD15 pedal tractor, Kubota pedal tractor, New Holland pedal tractor. Post hole digger, cyclone seeder, NI manure spreader, INT dolly wheel rake, Ford F600 grain truck, shaver 12′ post driver, JD 2 row silage chopper, JD grain drill
Several Tractor parts, There will be a small amount of household. Some of the tractors are not in running condition
Owner, Toddy Dugan
This is the persoanl property of the late Tony Dugan
AUCTIONEER NOTE: There are many other useful items in this sale. Partial listing only
Auctioneers: Randy Dugan 513-213-1157, Mike Brown 513-532-9366
PERSONAL PROPERTY TERMS: All sold “as is, where is” with no guarantees. Payment made on auction day with cash or good check with proper I.D. Announcements made auction day take precedence over any previous notification. Not responsible for accidents or loss of property. ID required register for buyer’s number.