Saturday November 5, 2022 10 AM
2784 St. Rt. 756, Moscow, Ohio 45153. 3 miles West of Felicity, Ohio on St. Rt. 756, between Neville Penn Schoolhouse Road and Fruit Ridge Road.
Tractors, Hit-N-Miss Engines and Equipment
1958 Farmall 450 that was on cover of 2008 Classic Farm Tractor calendar, Farmall Super H, Farmall Cub, Farmall 200, Ford 3000 diesel, International B414, New Idea ground driven manure-nice!, Stover 2hp Hit N Miss gas engine, Witte throttle governed flywheel gas engine, REO push mower, Jacobson lawn mower, burr mill, IHC International Harvester cans, McCormick Hammer Mill #6 with screens, IHC mounted sickle bar mower, IHC 3 bottom plows, Farmall H/M fenders, Farmall H cultivators, Cub cultivators, wheel weights, gates, hog feeders, feed bins, John Deere elevator, 2 hay wagons, old wooden box wagon, fertilizer spreader, IHC 3 bottom plows, IHC hammer mill #6, New Idea ground driven manure spreader, foot pull type brush hog, diesel tank, shop cart, cattle rub, belt drives and pulleys, 3 pt seeder, tall shop carts, large feed bins, 2 walk behinds, sub soiler, 3 pt slip scoop, 3 pt bale carrier, diesel tank, wooden drag, drag harrow, cement mixer, rotary hoe
Antiques & Collectibles
Unique bench jig for making egg crates, 2 sided sign – Clermont Hill Jersey Farm, vintage cast iron farmer’s sink, wooden mantle, high wheel mild can cart, corn jobbers, hump back trunk, Oil cans, Hercules Turpentine cans, pottery, advertising tins, pedal sewing machine, wheel driven grass seeder, antique scooter, iron bed, 2 GEN well pumps, apple butter stirrer, well pump pipe, Pepsi flyer children’s wagon, Radio flyer wagon, John Deere toy wagon, Sportsmaster vintage cooler, little red wagons, Set of 4 antique car hub jacks, feed sacks, 1950’s John Deere showroom display model of a seed planter, Delta scroll saw, Reese hitch carrier, Farmall drawbars and belt pulleys, Fairbanks Morse mill belt driven, “The Boss” wooden tool marked Shrock, Goshen IN, apple cider press, old oil cans, galvanized tubs, copper boiler, milk cans, horse collars, single trees, lead ladles, milk strainer, feed sacks, oak/glass display cabinet, barrels, feed sack holders, leather straps, vintage quilting frame, wheel barrow, head stanchions, Hoosier cabinet parts, wooden windows, toys, cast iron, Blue Grass seed stripper
Axe handles, Scythe with cradle, large chain pipe wrench (weighs over 130 pounds), mauls, picks, 2 man saws, axes, sledge hammers, adzes, rakes, hoes, matics, lots of long handled tools, tool boxes, ropes, tool benches, hardware, barrel lid press, gas cans, shovels, log tongs, large 48 inch beryllium pipe wrench, wood clamps, sickle bars, several spud bars, grease guns, tin snips, ladders, large C clamps, barn jacks, splitting wedges, large volume of vintage wrenches, wooden pulleys, electric grinder on cart, shop carts, reel mower, wooden tool boxes, chain hooks, hay spears, fence stretchers, grass seeders, saw horses, boring tools, wood planes, braces, McCormick Deering sickle bar grinders, lots of chains, pry bars, hammers, saw horses, tool boxes, scales, rope, large metal shop work station
Household & Miscellaneous
Bookshelves, dresser, oak shelf, wooden table, mason jars, lumber, lamps, drive belts, books, , cake plate, electric motors, aluminum buckets, pots & pans, canes, walking sticks, meat grinders, music box collection, tall grey jelly cupboard, white jelly cupboard, 3 corner shelves, folding chairs, sifters, mixer, dishes, jugs, kegs, marble slabs, windows, chairs, wooden rockers, kitchen cabinets, shelving, folding tables, bar stools, plant stands, bicycles, squirrel cage fan, misc. lumber
MANY more vintage items – too much to list!
PERSONAL PROPERTY TERMS: All sold “as is, where is” with no guarantees. Payment made on auction day with cash or good check with proper I.D. Announcements made auction day take precedence over any previous notification. Not responsible for accidents or loss of property. ID required register for buyer’s number.
Angela’s Curbside Cuisine will be onsite.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This will be a nice auction the remaining items from Doc Lail collection
Owners: Family of Charles P (Doc) Lail
Mike Brown & Associates LLC, Auctioneers
Mike Brown, Auctioneer (513) 532-9366
Agent with United Real Estate Home Connections
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