10:00 AM SATURDAY November 20, 2021
Located: 1051 Klondyke Road, Milford Ohio. From US50 take Klondyke Road 1 mile to auction site.
walnut knockdown wardrobe, double seated oak hall tree, Baby Grand piano, hall table, wood magazine racks, baskets, large leather couch, flat top trunk, double oak fern table rope legs, oak rope leg chair, 2 pc bedroom suite, makeup table, oak fern stand, 2 bentwood chairs,leather chair w/ottoman, wood rocking chair, wine rack, 2 oriental rugs, wicker table, quilts, ginger bread clock, mantel clock, 2 RR lights (1 marked C&LE RR the other marked LT RR both have Red globes ADLAKE Lamp Co.), spittoon, 5 gal crock, old whiskey jug, umbrella stand, Globe Radio flyer wagon, Flexible Flyer sled, childs sled, wall mount granite water fountain, several clocks, fruit press
TOOLS: Craftsman drill press, metal jack stands, 9′ metal work bench w/vise and grinder, 50 ton press, metal cutting band saw(new), tool boxes, parts bins loaded with bolts/nuts/screws/washers, metal storage bins, belt sander, log chains,grease guns, 2 hyd jacks, floor jacks, rolls of electric wire, air tank, large boat anchor, gas water pump, hose reel, 2 porta-powers, several air tools, weed eater, electric cords, wheel barrow, hammers, scaffolding, wrench sets, pipe wrenches, C clamps, bolt cutters, hand saws, 40′ alum ladder, fiberglass step ladder, Miller stick welder, AC Spark plugcleaner, creeper, 4×8 sheets steel plate, various angle iron pcs, sq tubing, round pipe pcs, flat steel pcs, cooler for tig welder, battery charger, commercial shop vac
Kabota B2620 lawn tractor 4 wheel drive one owner mower deck 3 pt hook, very nice 604 hrs.
2 wheel trailer, wheel barrow, fine Cincinnati made billard table slate bottom, leather pockets inlayed legs
Auctioneers note: very clean high quality antique items, some great very nice tractor, large shop, most can be sold inside in case of inclement weather.
AUCTIONEER NOTE; Exceptionally good clean items in this auction with a great variety of items. Good parking. Plan to attend. Mr. Melzer had a fine shop.
Owners: Melzer Family Trust
PERSONAL PROPERTY TERMS: All sold “as is, where is” with no guarantees. Payment made on auction day with cash or good check with proper I.D. Announcements made auction day take precedence over any previous notification. Not responsible for accidents or loss of property. ID required to register for buyer’s number.
Mike Brown & Associates LLC, Auctioneers
Mike Brown, Auctioneer (513) 532-9366
also on www.auctionzip.com
fine Cincinnati made billard table slate bottom, leather pockets inlayed legs Flexible Flyer sled