10 AM Saturday October 16, 2021
Live auction held on the Brown County Fair Grounds, 325 W. State Street Georgetown, Ohio
International Harvester, Farm and Gas Engines
1976 Cub Cadet “Spirit of 76” mower, International model M stationary engine 1.5hp, IHC LB 1.5-2.5 engine, gas engine drip oilers, dozens of IHC, McCormick, and other tractor related manuals, IHC hat and memorabilia, Farmall fenders, IHC sickle bar grinders-one is pedal powered, IHC and John Deere Corn Shellers, IHC planter showroom display, several IH oil cans, 2 hole corn sheller, rakes, collectible oil cans, horn weights, meat grinders, belt driven drill press, braces and bits, IHC drawbar wrenches, calf weaners, farrier’s tote with tools, cow bells, corn jobber, New Perfect tobacco setter marked Germantown KY, The Newark Fan seed cleaner, milk cans, feed sacks, horse drawn cultivator, old Briggs & Stratton motors, IHC cream separator, hames, single trees, Tuxedo feeder, mild cans, burr mill, platform scales, saddle, horse collar, large hand crank bone grinder, corn husker display,
Local Advertising items
Cincinnati, Georgetown and Portsmouth Railroad brochure and brass lock, Items from Felicity, Georgetown, Maysville, Hamersville, West Union, etc. Bullet pencils, ash trays, yard sticks, 1970’s Felicity Band jacket, 50+ local hardware nail aprons, 1914 Felicity Annual Fox Hunt official program with lots of advertising, Kennedy & Son Felicity Pharmacy, Swope Auto license toppers, old license plates, Large WILSON Freight Forwarding sign, Boone Flyer sled made in Petersburg Ky, 1953 International calendar from Georgetown, Lipper Pony calendar, Oscar Francis thermometer-Felicity, 1899 Felicity report card for Edward Bolender, 1911 Felicity HS Graduation program
Tools , Antique and Collectible
Axes, hatchets, 50+ hammers, 20+ saws, blacksmith tools, wood planes-Stanley and others, unusual wrenches, Kelly brush cutters, crown crimper, jacks, vises, 2 man saws, clevises, pry bars, air compressor, pitch forks, shovels, socket sets, work benches, levels, post hold diggers, wooden hammer and axe handles, Wright chain saw, files, sledge hammers, spud bar, chains, bench grinder, belt sander, extension cords, Cummins floor drill press, barn fan, rakes, loads of small tools, leaf blower, brass tools, spoke shaves, molding planes, wooden tool chests, miter saw, wood clamps, squirt oil cans, pulleys, pliers, nail sets, grass seeders, borers, steelyards, kerosene jars, lead ladles & pots, froe, model engine made of wood, marking gauges, vintage wrenches, set of 4 antique car hub jacks, Shapleigh lantern, Bluegrass lantern, Fairbanks tabletop scales
1950’s Schwinn, Western Flyer and other bikes, 35 + toy trucks several with advertising, mantle clock, oak hall tree, book cases, collection of elephants, music boxes, canes, walking sticks, lanterns, cigar boxes, collection of nut crackers, wooden boxes, True Temper Tool clock, leather doctors bag, apple peelers, advertising tins, coal bucket, egg baskets, toy wagon, brass bucket, ammo boxes, slaw cutter, display cases, butter molds, food choppers, toys, sharks teeth, galvanized tubs, pie cupboard, 3 corner cupboard, round oak table, Vornado fan, dough maker, lard press, graniteware, tin lunch buckets, Inspector’s Railroad lantern
Glass & Pottery
Jardiniere & Pedestal, Russell Wright, McCoy, Van Briggle, Roseville, majolica, Imperial, Hull, Haegar, Hall, cut glass, Heisey, Imperial, Carnival, paper weights, silver overlay, Pearl China cookie jar “Cooky” Black Chef, crock jars, large crocks, art glass, 100+ pieces of Jeanette Jasperware in blue and green, royal ruby
Unused Hospital Bed, lamps, bookshelves, coffee table, end tables, artwork, Harmony guitar, exercise bike, bar stools, marble top side table, oak library table, linens, baskets, pictures and frames, oak chairs, carved walnut pedestal, violins, guitar, plant stands, tricycle, hundreds of books – Harold Bell Wright, Gene Stratton Porter, John Fox Jr., other authors, Sunbeam mixer, card table and chairs, oak file cabinet, pots & pans, rocking chairs, plant stands, cedar chest
PERSONAL PROPERTY TERMS: All sold “as is, where is” with no guarantees. Payment made on auction day with cash or good check with proper I.D. Announcements made auction day take precedence over any previous notification. Not responsible for accidents or loss of property. ID required to register for buyer’s number.
Angela’s Curbside Cuisine truck will be onsite.